Why You Should Stop Shopping For Cheap Clothes

Why You Should Stop Shopping For Cheap Clothes

October 11, 20245 min read

They have us all captivated, The Amazons and the Costcos of the world. But where do we end up? We end up at home in the mirror wondering why something just doesn’t fit right. Or we end up back at Costco before we know it because our clothes are breaking after a couple washes. If you’ve ever had one of these experiences, this blog post is just for you. 

If you’re super low on time, check out my podcast episode where I explore this subject in full detail. Or if you’re completely stuck, book a free clarity call with me where I’ll help you figure out what you need!

Why you keep buying cheap clothes

The answer is really obvious but it’s still worth discussing. You keep buying cheap clothes because it’s convenient and inexpensive. It’s really easy to go grocery shopping and to suddenly find yourself in the clothing department of a Costco picking between two pairs of low quality jeans. Or it’s really easy to sit down in front of the TV and scroll your way through Amazon until a “deal” catches your eye. And to top it off it’s delivered to your door the next morning. 

The instant dopamine hit that shopping for cheap clothes provides is crazy. And that’s why your mind is drawn to it. Not for the quality, not even for the deals, but for the instant payoff. So how do we kick the habit? Keep reading and we'll explore the alternatives to buying cheap and often.

There are other convenient options!

If convenience is your main crutch for making cheap clothing purchases then you’re in luck. The majority of stores provide free shipping and returns now. Higher end retailers understand the importance of getting their clients to shop online without barriers. This allows you to be able to open things up and try things on, see how they feel at home. Then you can tape up what you don’t want to keep in that same box or bag and get it refunded.

Let’s put it into perspective. If you do need to pay a small fee of $8 - $12 to ship something back, think of the amount of time you spend to get to the store. Parking, getting gas, walking in, and waiting in line. That tiny price to ship something back is so small compared to your time. 

If you’re shopping for casual wear (which I find most convenience-based purchases are), there are a couple stores I recommend checking out that are just as convenient as Amazon, but offer you that quality wear after wear. 

Evereve carry a variety of brands perfect for casual looks. I would suggest to steer clear of anything that carries their label exclusively as they do create great lookalikes for the bigger brands but the quality doesn’t hold up to daily wear. 

Madewell is another great spot. They have a lot of easy to wear pieces that are on trend without feeling overly trendy. It’s also a great mid-range price point so you don’t have to hurt your wallet too much to experience true longevity and quality from your wardrobe.

Amazon won’t fix your “I have nothing to wear” problem!

Maybe you keep buying cheap clothes because you genuinely feel like you have nothing to wear when you look in your closet. Do you feel like you have anything you like wearing now after making your hundredth Amazon order? If the answer is “Yes” then that’s awesome. But unfortunately the majority of people continue going around the same path without figuring out the root cause of why they have nothing to wear.

It’s because cheap clothing gets old, FAST. It doesn't fit right or it has a hole in it already. Whatever it is, this stuff becomes clutter in your closet as soon as you put it in there. When you shop continuously and fill your closet with unworn pieces or things you don’t really like, you make it harder when you go to get dressed. I see it all the time in clients' homes. They have so much clothing that when we go through and donate the things that don’t align with them or work for them, we end up finding clothes they DO like that just got lost in the mess.

You could have some options in there that you do like. Or that you totally forgot about. Having a closet full of random cheap clothes or pieces you don’t really care for is taking up space and decision making.

The cheaper the clothes the easier it is to make the purchase

This is the primary reason your closet is full of Costco, Walmart and Amazon pieces. Because you don’t want to spend the money, or you don’t think it is worth the money.

Well let me assure you that I’ve worked with so many clients who felt exactly the same when we first met, and they couldn’t feel more different today. We all build the justification in our head to buy that $9 top. But the reality is that you have to come back in 2 months to buy another $9 top. Then you have to do it again in another 2 months. And another 2 months. You get the picture, before you know it you have spent the price of a single good quality top on dozens of lower quality poorly fitting garments.

So please trust me when I say that you are worth it. You deserve to look good in every item you have in your closet and you deserve to have quality pieces that will last for as long as you want them.

What To Do Now

Now that you know how important it is to stop buying cheap clothes and to start investing in quality, I hope you take my advice and treat yourself to the quality you deserve. And if you’re feeling lost in your closet or overwhelmed by shopping, book a free clarity call with me so I can help you figure out how to feel your best self!

Build a style and wardrobe that truly reflects you.


Tannya Bernadette

Stylist 👠CEO of @thecloset.edit ✨Helping you build polished outfits for work & life ⚡️Update your wardrobe with ease + efficiency 🎤 ‘Make it You’ Pod Host

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