5 Strategies I Use to SAVE Time Shopping

5 Strategies I Use to SAVE Time Shopping

October 11, 20246 min read

Time is our most important asset. The number one thing I hear from clients as a Personal Stylist is that they don't want to shop because they don't have time to do it themselves. So I decided to share 5 strategies to help you save time when you're shopping. 

If you're super low on time, check out my YouTube videos. If you're completely stuck, book a clarity call with me where I'll help you figure out what you need!

What I'm going to teach you in this one blog post

I'm going to share the methods I use even when I shop for myself. People assume because I'm a Personal Stylist that I have closet after closet of clothing. I enjoy shopping but I'm very intentional and concise with the pieces I add to my closet. Because one, it has to fit what my work life is like, and two, it has to fit my weekend wear and the things I do around the house with the kids. Let me teach you how to be intentional so you can save time shopping!

The 3x3 rule

The 3x3 rule

I want you to make a list of 3 pieces that you need for your closet. The reason why you should only shop for 3 pieces at once is that if you have a list of 5-10 items that you need, it's going to be so overwhelming. That is too much to put on yourself. And if you only go out and buy 1 piece, that also is not enough to make a difference, especially if you're really trying to build outfits.

So make that list and don't be too specific. I know that you might think that it makes sense to be super specific like “I need a pink jacket with one button that hits my waist” but you are going to get frustrated because you’re not going to find that. I want you to allow yourself to be more open minded. Keep it slightly vague so you have room to explore.

Once you’ve decided on your 3 priority pieces I want you to limit yourself to just 3 stores. This will save time shopping and it'll limit any danger of it turning into a great big day-long task.

Then, on another day in a few months, you could go to new stores. Or if there is 1 store that really worked well for you, go back there and see what you find. Every season things change so don’t be sad if you really loved Madewell one season and then the next season you don't. It just means you’ve got to try something different.

Set a Date For Yourself

Set a Date

You don't have time. I totally understand. I get it. I don't have time either but in my calendar, when I shop, I actually set a date.

When I shop with my Personal Styling clients, I set a date. I set a date because I don't want any distractions. I don't want to focus on anything else. So when you set a date for yourself, make sure it's about 2 to 3 hours.

I would not shop for over 3 hours, that’s a fast track to exhaustion and not how you save time shopping. When clients tell me that they try to go to the mall or even go online and shop for days or more, it feels like a lot. It is exhausting to make that many decisions. You also notice that by the end of the 2-3 hours, you don't care anymore. You either like everything or nothing.

So make sure to set time aside. Make this about you. If you are busy, set a time in your calendar so that nothing else is scheduled around it. And if you find shopping stressful, I always recommend doing something beforehand that does bring you joy and makes you happy, like getting an iced tea or doing yoga that morning. This is going to help to bring a positive mindset and make the experience enjoyable so you can save time shopping.

Create a Full Outfit

Create A Full Outfit

When you are out shopping, I highly encourage you to create a full outfit. If you're on a budget and you don't want to buy a full outfit, take 1 or 2 pieces from your closet that you love and try them on with different pieces.

This goes back to my point about if you buy one thing, it doesn't make an impact in your closet. I know that people like to shop for fun and you get excited when you buy the top or the jacket but when you shop without really creating even 1 look with that item, you go home feeling discouraged. So I want you to go out and buy one full outfit. I promise you, if you get creative, you'll be able to break up that outfit and create other looks with it.

Purchase Multiple Sizes

Purchase Multiple Sizes

When you are shopping online, I want you to purchase multiple sizes. If you run in-between sizes, if you do not know the brand very well, if the style is something different, order multiple sizes. Brands do such a good job of making everything look perfect but that's not always the reality so to save time shopping order multiple sizes and then make returns after you're happy with your pieces. Because, let's be honest, waiting for your new items after a return sucks. And the waiting and "will this fit me this time?" is annoying. So this fast tracks the process! Do always double check though and keep a lookout for “Final Sale“ just in case they don't accept returns.

Invest More in your Clothing

Invest More In Your Clothing

Now hear me out. I know if you are not into fashion, investing in clothing can kind of be a hard thing if you've been doing Amazon or Costco or TJ Maxx. But let me just say, and some of you know this because we've worked together or you've tried it, it makes a huge difference. Cheap Amazon pieces, Instagram shop pieces, they might look cute but they never save time (trust me)!

When I buy things, I want to make sure it fits well and it's going to last. I don't want to have one-off pieces that I can't wear again. I recommend even just starting at a mid range price point. Even jumping from the TJ Maxx and Amazon buys to mid range prices, you will see a huge difference!

It's magical. It saves time shopping and saves time being annoyed by your closet because nothing feels quite right. You'll get multiple washes out of them, you'll feel more elevated and you'll create less waste in the world. Triple win!

What To Do Now

Now that you've learned my 5 strategies to save time shopping, book in your next shopping trip and make that time for yourself. And if you're feeling lost in your closet or overwhelmed by shopping, book a free clarity call with me so I can help you figure out how to feel your best self!

Build a style and wardrobe that truly reflects you.



Tannya Bernadette

Stylist 👠CEO of @thecloset.edit ✨Helping you build polished outfits for work & life ⚡️Update your wardrobe with ease + efficiency 🎤 ‘Make it You’ Pod Host

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