Finding Friends as Adults with Moni Giles

Finding friends as adults is no small feat. Pursuing platonic relationships can be emotionally overwhelming. From initiating conversations with strangers to putting yourself out there once you find someone you connect with, making friends in person can be a lot.

Making yourself vulnerable isn’t easy, but creating your own community is so important. There are so many reasons we need other women in our lives and so many reasons that strong bonds create a mental health boost.

Recently, my life has been the roughest in parenting. Who knew that toddlers really go through the terrible twos? I’ve been in a huge struggle with getting her to bed, to wash her hands, talking to her, taking her to daycare, going potty, and struggling with every part of daily life that doesn’t involve playing or having her in my arms. 

If it weren’t for my friendships this season, I would be a total mess. To have people to go to, to talk to, to share, to cry, to figure life out with. I would not be able to stay sane without these mamas in my life. I want everyone to have friendships and people they can go to for advice or just to hang out.

Since the beginning of starting my business, I realized the importance of friendships and community. I’ve always done my best to keep these relationships alive. 

I recently met Moni online and was drawn to her Instagram profile so I sent her a message. Moni is the goal-fulfillment coach behind Evolve with Moni. She takes you to a life where you learn to create new chapters in your life, learn how to love unconditionally, and set boundaries. I told her I admired what she’s doing on the eastside to bring women together which ended up turning into a coffee date, and then working on a project together.

During our chat, she told me her passion was telling women’s stories of hope and overcoming challenges. When she shared this vision she had for a fashion show, I was in. I put together the outfits and helped find a local designer that we could feature. 

This podcast was actually supposed to come out before the fashion show to invite you all to join. But with my personal life, I didn’t have time outside of work to get this together. It was a huge success and the stories of the models walking down the runway were powerful. I wanted to cry and clap for them the whole time. 

It’s wonderful meeting other women in our community that are doing amazing things like lifting others through events, networking, and helping other women change their life.

More from Moni Giles:
Learn more from Moni Giles and follow along on Instagram @evolve.with.moni.

Looking for more styling tips? Be sure to follow me on Instagram @thecloset.edit and TikTok @theclosetedit!

tannya bernadette

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